Why would you even need a nutritionist?

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There are thousands of diets and workouts available online, for free. Health information is everywhere and easier to access than ever. You know which foods are healthy and which ones aren’t. You know already that results come 80% from diet and 20% form exercise. So everybody knows everything about all this, yet so few manage to actually implement change into their lifestyle. What’s their secret? How do they manage to keep away from the donuts and the pizzas? If that’s what you’re wondering too, you could probably benefit form working with a certified nutritionist. But you already know how to eat. What more could they possibly teach you?

Actually, the food part is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s more about the good habits and the mindset, than the things you eat every single meal of the day. And the best part is that, with a nutritionist, you don’t have to figure it all on your own.  Now that might sound good, but even if you’d want to see a nutritionist, you’d have to fit an appointment somewhere in your really busy schedule and then another after the week has passed and so on and so forth. Not necessarily.

With NutriStandard you can set an appointment with your nutritionist, or simply choose to chat online. From the comfort of your own home. Or office. Or wherever you happen to be when you decide you are ready for a healthy change.

What will happen next?

If you choose the classic method, you’d be meeting with your new nutritionist at their office and talk for about an hour. They would ask you what your goal is, how your typical day unfolds, if you have any allergies or if you have any particular diet need. Then they would give you a basic rundown of healthy eating, set goals for the upcoming week and ask you to keep a journal.

Now, if you choose to try the NutriStandard way and set an appointment with a nutritionist online,  things will go a little bit different.

Gain some perspective

You could say the initial process is the same, but by not having a fixed and restrictive schedule, your nutritionist can really get to know you. They will get a lot more information regarding your lifestyle, dieting history, optimal weight, workout patterns and more. Of course, you already know these things about yourself. But your nutritionist might just see things from another angle and notice what’s working towards your goal and what isn’t. You need a certified professional that works within your needs and having more time to discuss your strengths, weaknesses and the motivation behind your goals, means a plan tailored just for you rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

You’re not in this alone

In the beginning it’s hard to change your eating habits, run that extra mile or do those 5 extra push-ups and slowly but surely motivation seems to fade and you start wondering if you really need this change in your life. That’s what your nutritionist is there for. Keeping in touch with them will help you remember your core motivations. The important “whys”: ”Why do you want to lose weight?” or “Why did you set this goal in the first place?”

Your nutritionist is human

If you simply google “What should I eat after my workout?” you will get a straight-up but impersonal answer that sounds something like this “You should eat carbs and protein”. But if you choose to chat, (video)call or meet with your nutritionist, they will already be familiar with your meal plan, calorie intake of the day, and even your likes and dislikes. Based on this, you can choose together a delicious meal filled with the nutrients your body needs. You can contact your nutritionist even if everything doesn’t go according to plan. In fact, contact them especially if you feel you’re falling off track. If you skipped a workout or had those butter cookies instead of the homemade chicken salad you cooked this morning. Your nutritionist will not demand perfection from you. They will know that developing a good habit takes time and will know the ways to help you when you’re struggling with your nutrition journey.

Keeping it real

We’re all familiar with the “diet that will get you ripped in just 5 weeks” or the one that will help you “lose 10 pounds in 7 days”. Nutritionists know it just doesn’t work that way and that there’s no secret diet that will make all your weight goals come true. It’s just basic good nutrition, forming healthy habits and sticking to them. Having a certified nutritionist at just a phone call away, 7 days a week will really help you stay on track and developing healthy habits for the long run. While your nutritionist will encourage you to keep a food journal and mind what and how much you’re eating, they will not forget you lead a busy lifestyle and probably don’t grown your own organic tomatoes. You don’t have to worry about them scolding you with nutrition idioms like “Being healthy means you never eat processed foods” or “You should never skip a workout”.

There are no explicit rules that apply to everyone. Listen to your body, learn the fundamentals of healthy living from your nutritionist and make the changes that benefit you.

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