Healthy fats

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When it comes to fats, some people are trying to avoid them in order to stay healthy and in shape. But are fats really that unhealthy for you? The answer is no, but there is more to it. People nowadays are taking the option to eat low-fat foods because they are associating it with obesity and health issues. Fats are not all bad. In fact, some fats are actually very good for you and required by your body in order to function properly.

Let us get a bit deeper into the science of fats, especially good fats

Your body needs fats, because is one of the most important resource when it needs energy, along with proteins and carbohydrates.  There are good fats and bad fats for you. The best way to make difference between them is to have a look at in which food comes, and how processed that food is. The more processed the food is, the more likely is that it contains unhealthy fats. Take as example fast foods. On to the other hand, there are natural fats that are beneficial for your body. The most iconic examples here can be avocados and extra virgin olive oil – they contain very good fats for your body, especially your brain.

Good fats

Healthy fats are highly nutritious, and have a wide range of benefits for our body. They can significantly reduce the risk of many potential health hazards, such as: heart disease and stroke. Good fats are also called natural fats, because they are basically unrefined animal and fish fats, but also from some vegetables such as olives, nuts, avocados, etc.  The most beneficial fats are mono saturated and saturated fats, because they have a higher concentration of Omega 3s. Benefits of fats are numerous, and here are some facts about the benefits your body can take advantage from healthy fats:

  • If consumed properly and in moderate quantities, they can actually help to reduce body weight (fat loss, to be more precise), and improve your metabolism
  • They make your bones healthier and stronger, making them more robust and less likely to break, plus reducing the likelihood of Osteoporosis
  • Good fats are essential in maintaining a normal blood pressure, and lower the cholesterol levels in your blood, due to their “vein scrubbing” properties
  • Lower risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • A healthier and more efficient cardiovascular system.
  • Anti inflammatory properties – reduces the chance of inflammation
  • Can help reduce muscle catabolism and improve muscle growth
  • Better nervous system, healthier brain and mood improvement
  • Lesser chance of getting cancer
  • They do not increase the level of triglycerides in the blood, therefore reducing the chance of artery plaque buildups
  • Improves your immune system and lowers infection probability by killing harmful bacteria
  • Saturated fats have defensive properties against microbes, fungus, pathogens and viruses.

Sources of good fats

  • Avocados – as we mentioned before, avocados are a very good source of natural mono saturated fats, plus it contains good amounts of fiber and protein. Being a fruit different of others, it works with a whole variety of salads and it can be quite tasty, but remember to take it also with moderation, like everything else.
  • Eggs – both the yolk and also the whites are good sources of mono saturated fats and protein, which can help you also reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your body. Least but not the last, eggs also contain Choline, which helps your body to fight against the fat that deposits around your liver.
  • Bacon – this might be controversial for some of you, but bacon actually contains mono saturated fats that are healthy for you, but of course in moderate quantities.
  • Coconuts – they are a good source of saturated fats and energy.
  • Extra virgin olive oil – its good in salads or other foods, but avoid cooking with it because it becomes unhealthy. This oil has a considerable amount of mono saturated fats, and it’s very good for your heart for example, because it reduces the chance of getting a heart disease or a heart attack.
  • Dark chocolate – not only it’s good for your brain and memory, it’s also delicious. Moreover, it improves heart health, contains antioxidants, and also it makes your body more resistant to free radicals that are responsible for many diseases. It’s good to keep in mind that only dark chocolates that have high concentration of cocoa will be suitable here.
  • Fish – they contain in general the very important Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential for your brain and your mind. It improves mood and memory, and helps your brain age more slowly. If you are interested in fish, here’s a few options to choose from : salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, herring, etc.
  • Seeds and nuts – here we can include cashew, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

The key factor regarding good fats, is to consume them properly and moderately.

Unhealthy fats

Also known as trans fats,  they are found in foods that contain hydrogenated vegetable oils. These can raise the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body, cause heart disease or stroke, and cannot be fully burned by the body, causing the leftover fats that were not burned to be deposited in your arteries. These fats unfortunately are largely consumed by the public, but it’s important to know that without moderation, they can be a serious threat to our health. These fats are usually found in things like margarine, highly processed butter, fried foods such as fast foods, deep fried foods, french fries, baked foods such as pastry, cake or cookies, snacks.

Bottom Line

As we always highly recommend, moderation is key for everything. We know having a delicious burger is absolutely magnificent, with some fries near it especially, and it’s not a crime. But making a bad and frequent habit from it can have serious negative consequences over the time. To get a better idea of the science of good and bad fats, we also highly recommend to consult a certified nutritionist, in order to know what’s best for you.

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