Food choices – what do they tell about you?

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Discussing food choices may be a real ticking time bomb especially for those who dealt or are still dealing with weight related issues. Whether it’s unhealthy choices that we make or, on the contrary, things we purposely exclude from our daily diets, what we eat on a daily basis in one of those topics any individual is sensitive to.

We have so successfully defined our personalities, set up goals regarding our professional life, know how to deal with the most complicated aspects of our lives, yet something as simple and natural as intuitive eating seems to be a serious downgrade for many. Marketing campaigns are most of the times misleading, based on false information or truth half told. These messages frequently block our inner voice, taking us further from our welfare and more towards destructive consumerism.

Whether you decide on following any of the below lifestyles or be an omnivore, as long as you feel comfortable with your choice, it means it is the right one for you.

People excluding various foods from their diets adopt the following lifestyles:

  Foods consumed Foods excluded
Lacto vegetarian Grains, beans and legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy Beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs
Ovo vegetarian Grains, beans and legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds, eggs Beef, pork, poultry, fish, dairy
Lacto-ovo vegetarian Grains, beans and legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy, eggs Beef, pork, poultry, fish
Pollotarian Grains, beans and legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds, poultry  

Beef, pork, fish, dairy, eggs


Pescatarian Grains, beans and legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fish Beef, pork, poultry, dairy, eggs
Lacto-ovo-pollo-pesco Grains, beans and legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy, eggs, poultry, fish Beef, pork
Vegan Grains, beans and legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds Beef, pork, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, secondary animal products (whey, casein, honey)
Fruitarian Fruit and fruit juice Everything but fruit
Raw vegan Raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds Beef, pork, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, cooked fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds

Source: (1)

Be curious enough to discover the category you feel most comfortable approaching. Rely on your body and intuition when making your decision.

In the next articles we will keep providing you with useful information regarding the healthy choices you can make regardless the lifestyle you decide to embrace.

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